Manab Sen

  • 30+ years’ international experience including 23 years C level, in US, India and the Middle-east;
  • 6 start-up/restructuring /turnaround situations
  • Hands on experience in Banking, Financial Services, Healthcare and Information Technology,
  • Managed private equity investments, generating exemplary returns using multiple exit strategies of cross border M&A, restructures, spin-offs, divestments or IPOs
  • Experience runs across Fortune 500, family owned groups, absolute start-ups;
  • Expertise focused on business strategies, divestments, acquisitions and value creation

After 12 initial years as a Credit analyst with American Express bank and India’s largest Banking conglomerate, Manab was selected by India’s premier Media group, to head their finance function and spearhead diversification. Setting up a diversified Financial Services organization from ground-up he ran it as President, leading to the formation of a retail Bank, public listing and being rated as one of India’s most respected organizations.

Next he implemented a diversification exercise for India’s largest domestic pharmaceutical group into financial services, healthcare delivery and a health insurance joint venture. As CEO he completed an acquisition and took the company public within a space of 4 years from setting up.

Manab then moved to Bahrain where he set-up the Corporate Finance function of a leading Investment Bank. He managed a private equity fund with exemplary returns, led several cross-border mergers and acquisition transactions with focus on information technology.

Moving to the USA in 2000, Manab took up the role of President, Chief Strategy Officer, and Global head financial services solutions for a global, IT services company. The company’s valuation increased 17 fold in 4 years.

Since 2006 Manab has invested in, coached and helped restructure a Business Process Management company, now on a profitable path from near bankruptcy.

He is also the President of the Board of Trustees of the Integral Yoga Institute, Princeton, a 501C (3) not for profit organization, for the last 3 years on a voluntary basis. He is a mentor for operational management, instrumental in restoring financial stability and growth.

Manab graduated from the University of Calcutta India with a degree in Finance. He has completed several programs at the Indian Institute of Management, Ahmedabad, Rutgers Business School and is also an Associate of the Indian Institute of Bankers.

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